Teaching and Learning

Hong Kong Chu Hai College Organised Career Fair 2025


On 20 March 2025, Hong Kong Chu Hai College organised the annual Career Fair, providing students with employment information and opportunities to support their future career development.

Ms. Tat Ling Hoo, Associate Registrar of Hong Kong Chu Hai College, presented the appreciation certificates to participating employers.

Employers provided various job vacancies and gave employment information to students.

Many well-known companies were invited to participate in this Career Fair, covering various industries such as aviation logistics, construction engineering, finance and insurance, public services, and retail. It provided students with diverse job information. Employers also offered students on-site interviews and professional career guidance.

Participating employers included: Asia Airfreight Terminal Co. Ltd., AECOM Asia Co. Ltd., Aviation Security Co. Ltd., Bank of China Hong Kong (Holdings) Ltd., Chun Wo Construction and Engineering Co. Ltd., FWD Life Insurance (Bermuda) Ltd., Home and Youth Affairs Bureau & Youth Development Commission, Hong Kong Police Force (Tuen Mun District), Hong Yip Service Co. Ltd., McDonald’s Hong Kong and Midland Holdings Ltd.

Additionally, the Student Affairs Office also arranged a resume writing and interview skills workshop, and a professional CV photo-taking session to help students better prepare for their job-hunting process.

CV Writing and Interview Skills Workshop.

Professional CV Photo-taking Session.

Copyright © Hong Kong Chu Hai College. All rights reserved. |Address: 80 Castle Peak Road, Castle Peak Bay, Tuen Mun, N.T. Hong Kong. |Tel: (852) 2972 7200 |Fax: (852) 2972 7367 |Email: info@chuhai.edu.hk